Above: NYSEG workers and the Fleischmanns Fire Department working on Wagner Avenue, where a tree fell on a transformer Monday night. Photo taken around 8:30am by village mayor Todd Pascarella.
The village of Fleischmanns has lifted its state of emergency declared during the Sandy storm, effective 10am. The state of emergency was declared Monday night after a tree fell onto a transformer on Wagner Avenue.
From mayor Todd Pascarella:
The tree on the power lines on Wagner Ave is being addressed by NYSEG and is currently the only area of real concern within the Village. Fire Chief Todd Wickham and I concurred that it makes sense to lift the state of emergency at this point being that it is all under control. Please be advised that the State of Emergency for the Village of Fleischmanns will be lifted as of 10:00 am today October 30th, 2012.
A Delaware County-wide state of emergency was lifted earlier Tuesday morning.