Above: Dwyer Avenue in Liberty this morning. Photo by Angela Page.
We're getting reports that the town of Liberty, in Sullivan County, endured considerable damage during the storm last night. Here is one photo of a neighborhood in Liberty that has multiple downed trees. Barbara Gref, our trusted Jeffersonville correspondent, sent this to us via Facebook just now:
Liberty, NY, on one street alone, at least 5 houses crushed. Lots of other destruction. Photo by Angela Page, from Dwyer Avenue.
If you have images or news from Liberty, please send them to us via Facebook, submit them to our Crowdmap, tweet them to #sandycatskills and #wpmap, or email them to editor@waterhshedpost.com.
2:15pm update: See our full story about the damage in Liberty. The house pictured is the only house we have confirmed has been crushed by multiple trees. -- Julia Reischel