The Jewish Single Malt Whisky Society enjoyed a recent visit to Tuthilltown Distillery in Gardiner:
Gable is one of these super-charming and disarming type guys. A charismatic dude who knows his business quite well. Gable went on to provide a tasting of their current line (at least the ones they could legally taste/sell in their tasting room/store): Hudson New York Corn Whiskey, Hudson Baby Bourbon, Hudson Four Grain Bourbon, Hudson Manhattan Rye, Heart of the Hudson Apple Vodka (twice distilled), Spirit of the Hudson Apple Vodka (thrice distilled).
Their Vodkas, by the way, are Kosher for Passover as they are distilled from apples, not grain — Cheers on that!!
Photo of distiller at Tuthilltown posted under a Creative Commons license by Flickr user WilsonB.