Photo by Flickr user Sonja Alves. Published under Creative Commons license.
Everybody needs a holiday now and then, even new-media news junkies. We're going to be spending some time during these last two weeks of 2011 on things that can't be done while staring into a computer screen -- baking cookies, roasting turkeys, hosting out-of-town family, and engaging in general merriment.
That means we won't be posting as often as we usually do. We will, however, be bringing you a few original stories between now and New Year's. On January 2, we'll be back to our regular daily news schedule. Between now and then, happy holidays to all, and may all your news be good news.
(We'll still be keeping an eye out for big news stories. If you've got a burning news tip that just won't wait til 2012, email us at editor@watershedpost.com and let us know.)