Public protests aimed at the new Trump administration will occur across the world, timed to coincide with today's Women's March on Washington. More than 600 events are planned for today, a few of them in the Catskills region. Women's March organizers have published a directory of "sister marches," including far-flung events from every corner of the globe -- even on a ship off the Antarctic Peninsula, where an expedition of "eco-minded visitors" will be holding signs declaring "Penguins for Peace."
Here are the Catskills events occurring today.
Supporters will gather between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Courthouse Square. The event is being organized by the Delaware County Democratic Committee, who will be gathering donations for local food banks.
Marchers will gather at Andy Lee Field on Rock City Road at 11 a.m., and march through town to Bradley Meadows. There will be a moment of silence at 1 p.m. on the Village Green, and local musicians Don LaSala and Jennifer DuBois will perform.
Marchers will gather at Muller Plaza at 1 p.m. and walk in a loop around Main Street, followed by a rally on the plaza at 2 p.m.
The platform for the Women's March, laid out in a four-page document posted on the organizers' website, declares that "Women's Rights are Human Rights," and calls for reform on a wide range of progressive issues: violence against women, immigration rights, disability rights, workers' rights, civil rights and reproductive freedom.