Baby born in truck en route to hospital

Hats off to local parents Marc and Jessica Caserto, who had to make some minor adjustments to their birthing plan on Wednesday when their son couldn't wait long enough to be born in the hospital. From the Daily Freeman:

HIGHLAND — “It was quite a day.”

That’s how Marc Caserto summed up the events that led to the birth of his son, Santino, on Wednesday in his truck on the side of U.S. Route 9W.

Fortunately, Marc was up to the task of baby-catching, and both mom and baby are in good health after Santino's roadside birth. Sounds like Marc is just the sort you'd expect to keep a cool head in this situation: he's a health teacher at Marlboro Middle School, he's an Army vet, and both he and Jessica are former EMTs and volunteer firefighters.

Burning question: Does anybody make onesies that say "Born In A Pickup Truck"? Because there's got to be a market for that around here.
