
By wateradmin on Sunday, Sep. 12, 2010 - 1:56 am
Note: The Watershed Post is hugely stinkin' grateful to two very talented individuals for this story, a look at the wild and woolly cast of characters in the race for New York State governor. One is its author, Steve Hopkins, who's the editor and... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Wednesday, Jun. 2, 2010 - 2:18 pm
Sayonara, Steve. The New York Times reports from the Republican convention in NYC: Minutes after the vote, Mr. Levy appeared outside a hotel ballroom. As he addressed reporters he was defiant, saying he could not yet support Mr. Lazio because he was still... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Monday, May. 24, 2010 - 1:05 pm
With the ink barely dry on his change of political party, Sullivan County former Republican David Sager is racking up the county endorsements he'll need to take on incumbent state Senator John Bonacic as a Democrat this fall. The Mid-Hudson News reports... Read more
By WP Newsroom on Monday, May. 24, 2010 - 9:19 am
Ulster County Democratic campaigner and political blogger Jeremy Blaber really, really doesn't want to see Julian Schriebman reelected as Ulster County's Democratic chair. So much so that he's offering $500 in cold, hard cash to any "serious Democrat" who... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Thursday, May. 20, 2010 - 1:26 pm
Steve Levy and Rick Lazio, the two pols jousting to run for governor on the Republican ticket, paid a visit yesterday to the Sullivan County GOP convention. From the Times Herald-Record: Lazio, a former four-term Congressman, and Levy, the Suffolk County... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Monday, May. 3, 2010 - 1:59 pm
State Senator Malcolm Smith in a candid moment at the Democratic Rural Conference: “With the Democrats in control of the State Senate, we are going to draw the lines so that Republicans will be in oblivion in the state of New York for the next 20 years... Read more
By WP Newsroom on Monday, May. 3, 2010 - 11:34 am
The Albany Project has an account of the recent New York State Democratic Rural Conference on Saturday. It's weirdly fixated on describing the contents of the buffet table, but there's some meat: Writer Adama Brown critiques the AG candidates' plans for... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Thursday, Apr. 29, 2010 - 1:56 pm
If he runs for re-election, state senator John Bonacic will face at least two challengers this fall, in a race that is shaping up to be a referendum on natural-gas drilling in the region (which Bonacic emphatically supports). Sullivan County legislator... Read more
By WP Newsroom on Friday, Apr. 16, 2010 - 11:34 am
Looks like staff shortages at the DEC are delaying the completion of a review of the agency's plans for Marcellus shale gas drilling until at least late summer right in the middle of campaign season. From the Ithaca Journal: "As with every agency, we are... Read more
By WP Newsroom on Thursday, Apr. 1, 2010 - 10:30 am
After subtracting 100 votes from its total election tally yesterday, Walton was forced to rename its election's winners and losers: Morley's total was originally announced as 165 votes, winning him one of the two available seats, but the actual number... Read more


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