Yes, it's early this year, but no less welcome. Spring means the awakening of the peepers -- small climbing frogs whose singing in swamps and wetlands heralds the new season.
Naturalist John Burroughs, from the time he was a lad on his family's Roxbury farm to his last years as laird of Woodchuck Lodge, thrilled to the sound. In this letter, written April 7, 1895, Burroughs wrote, "On Friday, I heard the first piping frog in the wood. I think it had just woke up. In a few days now, the whole clan will be gathered in the marshes and my ear will again hear the chorus it so loves. Well, my dear friend, spring has come again. I hope it may come to our hearts and make them bud afresh . . ."
This is a great time of year to join the chorus of supporters of John Burroughs' Woodchuck Lodge, and become a member! It's easy -- visit the Support Us page on the website, choose your support level, and join us!
Check out the 2016 events calendar whlle you're on the website. Our first event is April 2, when author Stephen Silverman will talk about John Burroughs, Jay Gould, and the Catskills!