The first ever Roxbury Revelry will be in full swing when four bearded wild men take the stage at Kirkside Park and launch into what they call “power twang,” a mix of rock n’ roll, Americana boogie, and country. They come in peace, and a nicer bunch of Catskill country boys you’ll not meet, but make no mistake: Woodshed Prophets will rock you. Immediately following their music, appropriately enough, the skies will bloom with fireworks.
Woodshed Prophets formed in the hills and hollers of Delaware County in 2009, and they’ve been barnstorming the area ever since, releasing two rip-roaring CDs and garnering a loyal fan base. Their followers like to dance barefoot in the grass, sip on a cool brew, and enjoy local fare while grooving to Woodshed Prophets’ music – all of which attendees can do at Roxbury Revelry.
In addition to Woodshed Prophets and fireworks, Roxbury Revelry, which begins at 1 PM, will feature locally sourced food and drink, walking tours, area artists, children’s games, and the triumphant return of vintage baseball. The hills will be alive with the sounds of community, friends, families, local merchants, and Catskill rock and roll, all coming together to commemorate the end of the summer season, making lasting memories in historic Kirkside Park.
This FREE event is brought to you by the Town of Roxbury, in partnership with the MARK Project, the Roxbury Arts Group, Roxbury Volunteer Fire Department, the Greater Roxbury Business Association, GRLIC, and WIOX Community Radio. Funded in part by the A. Lindsay and Olive B. O'Connor Foundation, the Roxbury Motel, Margareteville Telephone Company, Business Sponsors, and individual donors. Donations still graciously accepted. For more information contact Peg Ellsworth at 845 607 325 3392 or the Roxbury Arts Group at 607 326 7908 or visit www.roxburyny.com or visit Kirkside Park, Roxbury on Facebook.