Big things are in the plans for this Memorial Day weekend in Roxbury! The Greater Roxbury Business Association (GRBA) along with members of the business community have worked to create a weekend that will kick off the summer season with music, history, parades, shopping, and more!
The weekend kicks off on Saturday, May 23rd when the Orquesta SCC arrive at the Roxbury Arts Group! This 11-piece salsa band from the Bronx “entices the dancer and the non-dancer alike, emanating a hypnotic rhythm that evokes the crowd to participate in the festivities.” The Roxbury Arts Group will be offering free salsa dance lessons beginning at 6:30 pm at the Roxbury Arts Center, which will be followed by a fully staged performance (and even more dancing!) at 7:30 pm. The performance is priced separately – visit www.roxburyartsgroup.org or call 607.326.7908 for full details and tickets.
The party continues on Sunday, May 24th when the Greater Roxbury Business Association invites you to attend and participate in a Roxbury Open Mic at the Orphic Gallery beginning at 4:00 pm, a way to remember Phil Lenihan, the owner of the Orphic Gallery who passed away late last year, and ensuring that Phil’s passion remains present in our community.
The Roxbury Open Mic will be lead by Logan’s Express, the Catskill's all new Classic Rock Band featuring Jim Kopp on bass, John Fink on guitar, Joe Ferla on guitar, and Vladimir Smirnoff on drums. Singers, musicians, poets, and other performance artists are all welcomed to step up to the mic to an appreciative audience of community members. This event is free and open to the public, and replaces the GRBA monthly mixer event.
The celebration does not end there – events taking place on Monday, May 25th focus on honor and history! The Roxbury Memorial Day Parade begins at 11:00 am and proceeds down Main Street, ending at the Veteran’s Memorial at the intersection of Main Street and Bridge Street. Free hot dogs and soft drinks are available immediately following the parade at the Roxbury Fire Department. The Roxbury Historic Preservation Commission will also unveil the new Historic markers that highlight historic homes and buildings throughout the community. For an in-depth historic experience, join Community Coordinator Carolynn Faraci for a free Historic Walking Tour that will leave from the Veteran’s Memorial at 12:30 pm.
While you are in town be sure to visit all of the local businesses that dot the hamlet’s historic streetscape. Roxbury Wines & Spirits will be celebrating their one-year anniversary with special events and tastings planned for the weekend – a sangria tasting on Friday, May 22nd from 5:00 – 7:00 pm; a tasting featuring wines from around the world all day on Saturday, May 23rd and a tasting by Wayside Cider from 2:00 – 5:00 pm on that same day. Roxbury General will kickstart summer fun with a sidewalk sale and chalk-decorating! Also, stop in for 20% off outdoor tools and toys Saturday – Monday. WIOX will hit the street on Sunday as they sell tickets to their upcoming Go-Go Dance Party. And Jill Ribich of Catskill Images will be offering free photo booth photos inside her Main Street studio on Sunday, May 25th. Your photo session is complete with a free 4x6 print and a digital copy of your photo that will capture all of the fun you will be having in Roxbury this Memorial Day Weekend. While you’re there make a donation to support the Roxbury Streetscape Project.
For more information about all of these events and programs visit www.greaterroxburybusinessassociation.com or call 607.326.7908.