“As I approach the end of my first year as CEO, I am amazed at all that we’ve achieved already and grateful to the dedicated clinicians, nurses and staff who work so hard on behalf of our patients every day. In concert with the Bassett Network, we have been able to expand access to specialty and primary care, make hospital upgrades and embark on a journey to improve population health. I look forward to building on that power of partnership to accomplish even more for the region we serve.”
Carlton Rule, MD, CEO, O’Connor Hospital, Delhi
Collaborating on Progress for Patients
• Expanded primary care access for patients by bringing on new practitioners
• Around-the-clock Emergency Care
• Enhanced operating room environment with air handling upgrade
• Creating a healthier population with the Prescription Trails Program
• Promoting staff and community health with the 1,000 Mile Challenge
• Bassett and O’ Connor Hospital part of a five-county Performing Provider System working to transform local Medicaid health care delivery and reduce the need for people to be hospitalized or visit the emergency department
“Nearly three decades ago, O’ Connor Hospital and Bassett joined forces to enhance health care delivery for people living in Delaware County. Today, thousands of people utilize the services of the hospital’s emergency department every year and visit the O’ Connor campus for their primary and specialty care needs. Collectively, the strengths of the organization are many and the most notable of those is its people. They are people of tremendous character, compassion and dedication to the mission of great patient care. It is their work that will allow us to meet the challenges ahead and continue to improve on what we do for you, our patients.”
Vance Brown, MD, President & CEO
Bassett Healthcare Network