On Sunday, May 3, at 12 noon, the Town of Roxbury Parks Department in partnership with the Greater Roxbury Business Association is looking for volunteers to come out to Kirkside Park and help get this community gem in shape for the summer. Although there is plenty of bridge sweeping and gardening to be done, the rewards will be plentiful. At 3pm after the shovels and brooms are put to rest, all are welcomed to join in a community wide pot luck supper at the Barn Pavilion in the park. The Godforsaken String Band will be on hand with some old time Appalachian music. The Godforsaken String Band plays old time/Appalachian music in its most elemental forms …simply a fiddle and a banjo with only the added ingredients of singing and rhythms. They try and stay true to the melodies and stylings of the early Appalachian performers…keep the spirit, and the honesty and the lilting kick that these songs have. They play with affection for the music and for each others playing and with a joy that bubbles out in joyous group song and the occasional flatfooting. The to tapping part of the day is brought to you by the GRBA. For more information on the Roxbury I Love My Park Day please call Carolyn Faraci at 607 326 3722 or Peg Ellsworth at the MARK Project. 845 586 3500.