“Before I Die” is a global art project that invites people to reflect on their lives and share their personal aspirations in a public space. Humbly launched in 2011 by an artist from New Orleans, Candy Chang, the program has spread to 70 countries, in 34 languages on over 500 “walls”…..crossing all political, ethnic, religious and geographical boundaries.
The program will be kicked off on Thursday, September 11 at Noon at the Courthouse Square in Delhi and is tied in with the anniversary of 9/11 as part of the National Day of Service and Remembrance. “The program allows people to share their feelings, ambitions, dreams and goals in a very public, yet anonymous way,” said Sally Kauffman, a resident of East Branch, who is joining the team on the 11th for the kickoff. “We hope that the community will join us on the 11th at noon to launch this community-based program focused on bringing people and their thoughts together in a creative and inspirational way,” she added.
The Before I Die boards will be up in the Square from September 11th through October 17th. Boards have been posted worldwide from Russia, China, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Japan to North and South America. “The three boards in the Delhi Square are really shared spaces where people of all ages can write their views on the meaning of life, opportunities yet to be achieved, express sadness, joy, forgiveness…even shame…the range of emotions will match the number of people that will share their aspirations with everyone who views them,” emphasized Becky Townsend from Walton.
Come by Courthouse Square, Pickup a Piece of Chalk & Share With Us. It Will Feel Great To Do So!