
By Julia Reischel on Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010 - 12:08 pm
So far, there's a website and plans for billboards to go up on Route 17 in Sullivan county, according to the Sullivan County Democrat: Yesterday, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy, Gasland the Movie, and EarthJustice jointly... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Friday, Aug. 6, 2010 - 2:08 pm
Since the surprising passage of a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing by the New York Senate on Tuesday night, the political chess pieces have been moving around the board.  Our own Catskills-area state senator John Bonacic, who reversed his previous pro-... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2010 - 4:00 pm
When the Delaware County village of Andes voted to dissolve itself in 2002, it was the only village in the state of New York to abolish itself in years. But nowadays, thanks to high taxes and a new law (dubbed the Empowerment Act by Attorney General... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Monday, Aug. 2, 2010 - 10:29 am
Supposedly, Sullivan Co. was supposed to launch a new, one-stop-shopping website for all of the minutes of meetings held by county and county-funded organizations yesterday. But I can't find any sign of one. Anyone else know if that site ever went live? 
By Julia Reischel on Monday, Aug. 2, 2010 - 10:19 am
A woman stranded in the middle of Morningside Lake yesterday in Fallsburg was in the middle of being rescued by a park staffer when both were struck by lighting. Both are reportedly in critical condition -- according to the Times Herald-Record, lifeguards... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Thursday, Jul. 8, 2010 - 6:15 pm
Looks like the organizers of Liberty's Movies in the Park outdoor film series didn't get the right permits -- and rather than get sued by movie-licensing companies, they're canceling the rest of the series until further notice. From a press release on the... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Thursday, Jul. 8, 2010 - 11:39 am
He may be the reincarnation of Marlon Brando, but Mark Ruffalo really just wants to own a cow. NPR pays a visit to Callicoon, where Ruffalo lives in a farmhouse with his family and knows the names of his neighbors. (He already has chickens, but the bovine... Read more
By Julia Reischel on Wednesday, Jun. 30, 2010 - 4:28 pm
Scott Haefner, a San Francisco-based photographer who specializes in 360-degree panoramic images of abandoned places, recently turned his lens on the Grossinger's hotel near Liberty, NY. While he was there, he got took a panoramic portrait  of the now-... Read more
By Lissa Harris on Sunday, Jun. 27, 2010 - 10:53 pm
Liberty writer and photographer Akira Ohiso snaps some evidence that the corporate overlords of ShopRite have been doing their demographic research on Sullivan County.
By Julia Reischel on Friday, Jun. 25, 2010 - 1:29 pm
The problem of too few slaughterhouses is being addressed, at a glacial pace, in Liberty.  According to the Times Herald-Record, a much-delayed slaughterhouse is finally nearing a ground-breaking. That is, as long as the feds pony up almost a million... Read more


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