"News from local businesses" subscription
Advertise your business to 12,000 passionate Catskills readers in our "News From Local Businesses" column, located on the righthand side of the Watershed Post.
When you become a business subscriber, you can feature your business's news, announcements, information, photos and videos in that column as often as you like. Located right next to our daily news headlines, your advertisements catch the eyes of our 12,000 unique monthly readers and rise in search engine results.
When you subscribe, your business also receives a premium page in our local Catskills directory, allowing readers interested in your news to immediately find out more about you. Here's an example of what one looks like:
Business subscriptions are either full-service or self-service. The full-service option allows you to email us text, images, photos and links to videos, which we post for you. The self-service option allows you to load your own text, images and videos into our easy-to-use interface. We offer 20% discounts for annual subscriptions.
Full-service up to 4 posts a month: $35 per month; $360 per year