The Arts Upstairs Gallery in Phoenicia, a lynchpin of the Shandaken community and an incubator for arts throughout the Catskills, is considering shutting its doors. The gallery's owners, Gavin and Margaret Owen, say in a post on their Facebook page that tough economic times and Gavin's ongoing battle with cancer are squeezing them financially, and that staying open through another Catskills winter might be too much for them.
The gallery, which hosts monthly potlucks and a monthly show featuring a wide variety of Catskills artists, is throwing a "Do or Die" fundraiser this Saturday to raise money to stay open through the cold months. The show features art donated by the gallery's regular contributors, a wine tasting, a potluck, an art-supply swap, and a silent auction. The goal is to raise a few thousand dollars, Gavin Owen told the Times Herald-Record this week:
Owen says a few thousand dollars – enough to pay a few months rent and have some electrical work done – will make a huge difference.
“If there's not a big enough response, I know we'll have to close,” says Owen.
Proceeds from the fundraiser will go 50/50 towards the gallery and to a cancer nonprofit.
Keep the ARTS Upstairs Gallery Fundraiser & Gala, Saturday, October 19, 6-9pm. 60 Main St., Phoenicia. 845.688.2142. artsupstairs.com.