Above: A bee happily nomming away on some Joe Pye Weed in Delhi. Photo by Flickr user mountain_man_ny_2 in the Watershed Post Flickr pool.
With a beautiful weekend on tap yet again, here's a quick look at what's going on around the local blogs:
- Five Figure Fridays makes us swoon, as usual. This time it's a 900-sq.-ft. unpolished jewel in Callicoon Center, near the general store and bandstand. With turquoise as its color story. *Swoon*
- HITS hits the road. The event's last days wrap up on Sunday.
- Prattsville may see the reopening of the Route 23 bridge this weekend, according to WGXC.
- Trails of another sort are the topic of yesterday's New York History blog: the Esopus-Minisink trail, an old mine road.
- Also from WGXC: today's breezy, beautiful almanac. Did you know they're in the middle of a fund drive for new members?
- June geocaches in Walton; if you're looking to start geocaching yourself, there's a wealth of places in the area to create your own scavenger hunt-style daytrip.
- On a less whimsical note, drought conditions in Kingston are off the charts. “This is as bad as I’ve ever seen it,” said [Water Department Superintendent Judith] Hansen, who has been with the Department since 1981. “And going back over the records, it’s never been this bad this early.”
- You may not have any water to go with your meal, but if you like what you're eating and can string together a sentence or two, Upstater may have a gig for you.
Enjoy the fabulous weather and see if you can spot the ever-so-nearly changing foliage. And, please, think rainy thoughts!