Yesterday, the New York Times ran an analysis of how natural gas is becoming the dominant issue in the election battle between Democratic congressional incumbent Maurice Hinchey and his Republican (and pro-gas-drilling) challenger George Phillips. (The Times Herald-Record ran a similar story yesterday, which we wrote about here.)
The NYT had a revelation that we and the THR missed: That a political group that has pumped over $300,000 into the Phillips campaign has a decidedly pro-drilling slant:
The "527" group American Crossroads has injected $300,000 into the race, funding anti-Hinchey ads. One of the major backers of the group is Texas natural gas magnate Trevor Rees-Jones, president of Chief Oil and Gas, a driller in the Marcellus Shale in neighboring Pennsylvania, where drilling is allowed. And American Crossroads has received thousands of dollars more in oil industry money.
Just another thing to keep in mind on Tuesday.