The flag stays in the picture. Photo from David Sager's campaign.
David Sager, the Sullivan County legislator who's challenging Republican incumbent John Bonacic for the 42nd District seat in the New York State Senate, will visit SUNY Delhi tonight at 6pm to talk to voters and take questions.
The two candidates debated last week in Saugerties, at an event hosted by the League of Women Voters. The Daily Freeman has an account of the debate, where Bonacic and Sager squared off on natural gas drilling and gay rights, both hot issues in New York State elections this year.
If you can't make it to Delhi, you might want to tune in at 7pm to a televised debate between all seven (!) candidates on the ballot in the New York State governor's race. Besides Democrate Andrew Cuomo and Republican Carl Paladino, the event will feature Charles Barron (Freedom Party), Kristin Davis (Anti-Prohibition Party), Howie Hawkins (Green Party), Jimmy McMillan (Rent is too Damn High Party), and Warren Redlich (Libertarian Party).
Want a little more background on the fringe candidates? Check out "Crowded Ballot," a story by Hudson Valley Chronic editor Steve Hopkins that we ran in September, about the wild and woolly race for the governor's seat -- featuring cartoons from the wickedly sharp pen of our Sunday cartoonist, Gary Mayer of Bovina.