Greater Roxbury Business Association (GRBA) invites you to its monthly business mixer and networking event Tuesday, March 29 at 5:30 p.m., at Calico Rebel Café, 53470 State Hwy 30, Roxbury. GRBA welcomes the opening of this new downtown business, and wishes the owners Andy McArdle and Mary Ann Warren the best of luck! We are looking forward to experiencing the Calico Rebel Café’s excellent lunch menu, in a completely re-designed, re-configured space. The café will soon have its own liquor license, and will begin serving dinner too.
Last month we had a great response at our open forum conversation at the Union Grove Distillery in Arkville. That was a remarkable moment for our organization since owners Brian Mulder and Todd Pascarella first announced their plan to open a distillery in the Catskill Mountains at the GRBA’s business mixer in January 2014, as part of the GRBA’s Roxbury Dream Campaign. Brian’s and Todd’s dream came true earlier this year, when they opened the distillery in Arkville. In continuing in this spirit, we invite you to come to our March mixer, and talk about your business: we want to hear how your business is doing, and how partnering with other businesses in the region can bring you to the next level. Our motto this month is “Grow by One”: we encourage you to bring a friend.
Light refreshments. Adult beverages. The event is free and open to the public. A suggested donation of $10 will help GRBA advance its mission to continue to foster economic development opportunities in Roxbury. For more information, email roxburybusinessassociation@gmail.com.
Greater Roxbury Business Association (GRBA) for the Town of Roxbury, NY is a community / grassroots organization comprised of business owners and self-employed individuals working to increase awareness of existing businesses in the community, and to build a more cohesive and prosperous business environment, to serve the hamlets of Roxbury, Grand Gorge and Denver. The GRBA receives technical assistance from the MARK Project -- a 501 ( c ) (3) not-for-profit community and economic development organization. For more information, visit roxburybusinessassociation.com.