The Return of the 144th!
Mark your calendars and plan on a visit to the Delaware County Historical Association (DCHA) over the weekend of July 26 and 27. Please join us then in celebrating the return of the 144th New York State Volunteers as they form together once more to recognize and remember the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Honey Hill and Devaux’s Neck.
The 144th Regiment was the largest and best known regiment mustered in Delaware County during the Civil War, composed almost entirely of Delaware County residents. The regiment was formed during the summer of 1862 and was stationed at different locations throughout the war. The bloodiest battles in which it was involved were both fought in South Carolina at the end of 1864 – Honey Hill and Deveaux’s Neck.
Co-hosted and sponsored by DCHA and the 144th New York Reenactment Group, the weekend events will include Civil War battlefield reenactments, living history demonstrations, a Lincoln-Douglas debate, live music, exhibits & much more. Participants will include re-enactors representing both Union and Confederate troops, some of the latter traveling to Delaware County from South Carolina. Additionally, the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, the first black regiment raised in the north during the Civil War, will be joining the fight. The 54th was featured in the movie “Glory,” starring Denzel Washington, and this particular unit served as color guard during President Obama’s 2008 inauguration.
The event takes place at the Delaware County Historical Association, located 2 miles north of Delhi on State Hwy. 10, during the following times: Saturday, July 26th 9:00am-5:00pm and Sunday, July 27th 9:00am- 3:00pm. Admission: Adults $5.00, Children 12 and under Free.
For more information, please call DCHA at (607) 746-3849; email:; website:; Facebook.