Spring Sprung/Gallery Doors OPEN!

Chace-Randall Gallery, 49 Main Street, Andes, opens her door Saturday May 10...We have missed you!

Our porches are hosed of winter dirt; our floors washed; our stellar Troupe of 15 never looking better: www.chacerandallgallery.com.

Come visit. Come often. And stay posted for our upcoming events.

Gallery hours til Memorial Day: Sat - Sun and Holiday Mondays 11 - 5 and by appointment. Come Memorial Day weekend, Fridays, too. Our first Solo Exhibition opens May 23: Christie Scheele, Mutable/Immutable: www.chacerandallgallery.com/mutable.htm.

For more information: 917.753.3605 or zoe@chacerandallgallery.com.

Happy Spring!


Continuing Progression, oil on linen, Christie Scheele

Adventure, oil and wax on canvas, Michael Rich

Silently, mixed media on canvas, Inverna Lockpez

Basket of Cucumbers, oil on board, Judith Lamb