Built in the late 1800s, the new homeowner contacted us with several important issues that needed to be addressed. Challenge: During heavy rains water run off from the mountainside would flood the property. Solution: Installing irrigation ditches, perforated tubing, gravel, landscape fabric, 2000 yards of riverbank fill for front and back yards.
Other issues with the property included lack of a front yard and curb appeal. Working with a local dry stack stonemason, a curved stonewall was designed and back filled with dirt to create a level area. The finishing touch was a custom wooden picket fence and gates.
From years of decay a full demo was needed on the home’s side porch. Saving as many architectural elements as possible; timber framing was rebuilt, support columns footed, stonework laid and floorboards set. To stave off future water damage a long run of 6” copper gutter was installed and tapped into the new underground drainage lines. Several basement windows were also added under the porch to increase ventilation.
Holding to the aesthetics of the home’s pre-existing sun porch, a ‘writer’s studio’ addition was also built with access to the new fieldstone patio.
Photos: Full porch rebuild with stonework. Front yard with stonework and fence. Fence detail. Writer's studio interior. Writer's studio exterior with patio.
We are now scheduling for the Spring and Summer call us at 607-588-7413 or 607-746-9955. Visit us at https://www.facebook.com/mstefanchikstudios or e-mail at mstefanchik@yahoo.com