Shearing Day went very well! Many visitors stopped in at the barn. I was happy that the sheep health checks were great ... they are in good shape for lambing, which should start next week. And we have lots of raw fleece for your spinners and weavers out there!
We are open Saturday, April 13, from 11am-3pm.
Spring Lamb Box Special
April is lamb month around here! Here's a discounted box .... $100+ value of cuts of lamb for $90, at least 10% off. The box includes:
Lamb kabobs, approximately 2 pounds
Leg slices, approx. 1 1/2 pounds
4-6 small loin or rib chops, about a pound
Riblets, 1-2 pounds
Shanks, approx. 2 pounds
Lamb stew, approx. 2 pounds
Contact us to order one (or two)! We'll get it ready for you. Pickup any week in April. Or have it shipped.
Whole Chickens on Sale!
We have a good stock of nice roasters, four pounds or so each in the freezer, and it's time to move 'em out! On sale at 10% off! This week and next weekend.
Online Mail Order
We now offer shipping of most of our products. You can call or e-mail us, or go to the new section of our website, online ordering. We usually ship UPS, and ask for a minimum order of $25 for general merchandise. For frozen products, we ask for a minimum order of $100, and ship within a one day UPS delivery area for normal shipping fees. (Further than that, you would need to pay exorbitant overnight charges). We have been shipping products all along, but decided to get organized about it! Take a look at the website. Place an order!
Have you checked our website lately? We update it all the time. You can go there for the latest specials, menu updates, a calendar of events, prices, and lots of information and photos of the farm. Take a look! While you're at it, "like" us on Facebook, too. Updates and lots of photos.
Bees Knees Soup Kitchen
Mulligatawny Soup, a gluten free curried chicken, vegetable and rice soup
Oink and Moo Chili, gluten and lactose free, unless you add cheese or sour cream
Corn Muffins
Irish Brown Bread
Fruit Claufouti, a light eggy, fruity cake
Coming Up
It was so much fun, let's do it again!
Saturday, April 27, we offer the Maple Syrup Breakfast Buffet again. This time we celebrate the end of the sapping season, and see what grades of syrup this season has offered. Serving 10-3. Please let us know if you plan to come.
On the farm
The first batch of chicks are here in the brooder shed. The layers and geese are out in the pasture. The first batch of piglets are in their field. After shearing on Saturday, the yearling lambs and kids were moved up the hill. We had a grand parade of walking three alpacas and two llamas up the hill to join and guard the yearlings. Shari Mendelson, Matthew Umbro and Seth Kagan joined the farm staff of intern Anna Plattner, farm hand Mke Brocci, John and me to walk them. (I'm happy to say, each day those fields are a little greener!)