Ever wonder if there was a better, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly way of moving New York State products to New York City? The Lower Hudson-Long Island Resource Conservation & Development Council (RC&D) is curious too and is proposing a Foodway Corridor Barge Project via the Hudson River, connecting food and wood products via local ports from river dock to City wharf. If you're a NY food or wood products producer interested in getting your products to one of the biggest consumer markets in the world,lend your voice to the discussion by filling out this survey.
The LH-LI RC&D and NYSERDA are funding the feasibility project. Sustainable Ports and New West Technologies, consultants on the project, are developing the barge transport logistics and conducting a mode comparison analysis between trucks and barge. Karp Resources, a NYC-based food and agriculture consulting company, is conducting the portion of the research to develop the survey and gather information about New York State farm production and agricultural product transportation. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.
The LH-LI RC&D covers 8 counties (Westchester, Ulster, Suffolk, Rockland, Putnam, Orange, Nassau, Dutchess) and the 5 boroughs of New York City (the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island) working cooperatively to implement action orientated plans that focus on social, economic and environmental resources. The counties in the LH-LI RC&D are very diverse but work together to provide projects that encompass both the rural and urban areas. EoH Program Agricultural Coordinator Carrie Davis represents the Council on the RC&D board and Foodway Corridor Committee.