“Ascent" is a tribute to the lives lost on Sept. 11th. It represents a celebration of life, the release from tragedy, and the process of healing. It is a marker of sacred memory. A testament not only to the lives we lost but to all of us who remain. Most of all it represents LOVE. In the weeks after 9/11, I joined the nation and the world in grief and mourning. I started sculpting, completely unaware that I was embarking on a three-year journey that would change my life. During the creation of the sculpture, I found many new friends in the clay. I have sculpted their forms over and over, changing their shapes daily until their stories surfaced. It is my hope that viewers of the work will discover their own interpretation of the piece, enabling each story to be born again and again.
I joined the Halcottsville volunteer fire department shortly after 9/11. Halcottsville is a small hamlet in the Catskills. My fellow firefighters were amazing, every one of them. In the days and weeks and months after the tragedy of 9/11 they all said the same thing, like a mantra: "I wish I were down there to help." For security reasons, they were unable to do that. They represent thousands of volunteers who said those same words all over the nation. They are here today, the men and woman in blue.
So many people helped make Ascent a reality by donating their time, services and resources. Their names are listed on a plaque at the base of the sculpture. Each and every one of them wanted me to convey to you their love and support and to assure you that you have not been forgotten. That your loved ones will always be held close in the hearts of millions all over the world.” ( Mark Pilato )
All are invited to attend this tribute on the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 - Sunday September 11th 2011 Halcottsville, NY. Ceremony will begin at 1:00 PM
For more information or contributions regarding this event, contact Lori 607-326-4546
or Lauren 607-326-4282