A marker at the site of the 1969 Woodstock Festival in Bethel, NY. Photo by Flickr user Lonny Paul; published under Creative Commons license.
The site of the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival is at the top of a list of places around New York State nominated for inclusion in state and national Registers of Historic Places.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office announced the list of 26 locations, nominated by the New York State Board for Historic Preservation, on Tuesday, Dec. 20.
The Woodstock site -- located not in the town of Woodstock, but an hour and a half away, in the Sullivan County town of Bethel -- was the only Catskills-area site on the list. Other historic locations being considered for the registries include parks, historic homes, churches, cemeteries and even a hydroelectric plant.
If they are included on the state and national registers, the sites may be eligible for state and federal grants or tax credits for historical preservation.