
Get ready to "Keep Exploring," in an evening of readings about place, search, and discovery!
This is the first Poetry Barn reading at the stunning new barn at The Forsyth B&B in Kingston, NY (one block from the marina in the burgeoning Rondout section).
Because we know a good thing when we hear it, we’ve borrowed The Forsyth’s “Keep Exploring” theme for our evening. Each of our nine writers will have 10 minutes to transport you!
The reading is offered free of charge, with donations benefiting The Explorers Club for young adults ages 16-30. “The primary objective of the Club is to identify the next Henson, Hillary, or Heyerdahl and foster those traits of vision, courage, and tenacity that make exploration among the most compelling and relevant of high-risk enterprises.” Donations will go toward the annual student membership fee of $60.
We hope to see you there!