
Led by Jennifer Bruntil, HHS School Programming Coordinator, this year's "Tea Time" will focus on Native American stories. Dolls, teddy bears, and action figure friends are all invited to join in the fun.
Jennifer will read her new children's book "Hugo the Huguenot" and will sign guests' books.
Prior to the event, children are invited to write their own Esopus Girl story or poem from the perspective of Manveht and submit it one week before the event to be judged by HHS staff. Learn more about Manveht and see suggestions for writing here: http://www.huguenotstreet.org/an-esopus-girl-story. Two winners (one from each age group, 7 to 9 and 10 to 12) will have their stories read aloud at the event and will take home a prize. Guests will also have the opportunity to enter a raffle and participate in Native American inspired crafts.
Sandwiches, sweets (gluten & gluten free), coffee, iced tea, and lemonade will be provided by Bridge Creek Catering. Tea will be provided byPositiviTeas and Herbal Infusions, and guests can purchase their products at the event. Copies of Hugo the Huguenot will also be available for purchase to be signed by the author. Make a PositiviTeas purchase to receive 10% off your purchase of Hugo the Huguenot.