Above: Bethany & Rufus Roots Project will play music in celebration of Black History Month. Photo from the group's Facebook page.
Bethany & Rufus Roots Project will present an afternoon of music at the Roxbury Arts Group tomorrow in celebration of Black History Month. The performance, called "Celebration of Black History Month: New World Music & Dance from Slavery to the Civil Rights Movement," will feature music infused with Haitian percussion and dance. Following the performance the artists will open up the stage to audience questions about the performance, the artists and the relationship to black history in the Americas. Appropriate for all ages.
For more events coming up around the Catskills, see the Watershed Post's event calendar.
Roxbury Arts Center, 5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury, NY 12474. Wednesday, 2.6.2013, 1pm matinee followed by Q&A. $2.00 students, $5.00 adults. (607) 326-7908. For more information, see roxburyartsgroup.org.