The Catskills gets its fair share of random celebrities, but we're not much of a hotspot for Beltway insiders. Maybe that's changing, though: U.S. Senator Christopher Coons, Democrat of Delaware, was recently spotted at the Roxbury, where the Senator and his family checked into the hotel's new archaeology-themed suite, The Digs. (Think Indiana meets Cleopatra, by way of the secret clubhouse you've been wishing for since you were ten.)
Coons intended to spend New Year's Eve at the Roxbury -- until a small wrinkle came up, in the form of a national fiscal crisis. But the Senator made a Herculean effort to get to the Catskills for some downtime anyway, said the Roxbury's Greg Henderson (pictured above left with Coons). Henderson wrote yesterday:
We were so honored that they chose The Roxbury to spend some family time together. Due to the whole fiscal cliff crisis thing, the Senator was unable to join his family for most of the stay. We were so touched when he did not let the airlines inability to get him here stop him from coming anyway. The Senate did not get finished until late New Year’s Eve so he wound up driving 14 hours through traffic jams and bad weather from D.C. and arriving on New Year’s Day mid-morning. Instead of going straight to sleep, he put on his ski clothes and went straight to Plattekill to have one afternoon of skiing with his lovely wife and children. They just left this morning to drive back to D.C. I got the Senator’s approval to tell this story. Whatever your politics, it’s great to see anyone working so hard to be with family. Safe trip back to D.C. Senator Coons!
Here's hoping the Senator enjoyed his too-brief Catskills vacation -- and that he spreads the word back in D.C. (Pix of John McCain getting a cup of coffee at Cassie's? Hey, we can dream.)