Above: A poster for and video excerpts of "Walking Towards America," playing at the Open Eye Theater in Margaretville today through Sunday.
This Weekend in Margaretville, the Open Eye Theater is featuring "Walking Towards America," its original one-woman show about a Latvian family's flight from the Nazis in World War II.
Written by Sandra Fenischel Asher, the show features live Latvian fiddling and a wide-ranging performance by Patricia Van Tassel, who plays over 30 different characters.
5pm update: The free tickets have been claimed. Thanks! -- Julia Reischel
Walking Towards America, The Open Eye Theater, 960 Main Street in Margaretville, NY. November 1, 2 and 3 at 7 p.m. and November 4 at 3 p.m. $18; $15 for seniors; $10 for youth to age 25. (845) 586-1660. www.theopeneye.org.