Photo by Flickr member Vincent Racaniello. Published under Creative Commons license.
Coxsackie-Athens High School was vandalized late last week by a pair of 13-year-olds. The school was closed at the time for winter recess.
According to the Associated Press, the two boys were apprehended the day after the crimes and have been charged with juvenile delinquency. Among other crimes that earned them that charge, the two boys graffitied various parts of the school with anarchy symbols (seen here in a video from Albany Newschannel 13), damaged a school vehicle, set the running track aflame after spraying a flammable liquid onto it, broke into the school's concessions building, and lobbed Molotov cocktails at the rear door to the gymnasium.
The boys, whose names were withheld because they are minors, were released into the custody of their parents and are due back in Greene County Family Court to face charges.