In a recent newsletter sent to Fleischmanns residents, village mayor Todd Pascarella announced the recent resignation of trustee Fred Woller. At the village's November board meeting, Woller's resignation was accepted, and Pascarella has appointed David Yates to fill the position until a special election can be held in March.
Pascarella writes:
I would like to personally wish Fred Woller well and thank him for his years of service on the Village Board. I would also like to thank David Yates for stepping up to graciously offer his public service to the Village at this time. David and his wife Young Song have owned a home in the Village for four years and after having the first floor of their house on Main Street destroyed by the Great Flood of 2011 they rebuilt it and David decided to call Fleischmanns Home. David has worked in the digital design profession and has volunteered his talents in helping to keep Fleischmanns updated on social media.
For a small village of just over 300, Fleischmanns has seen its share of exciting politics recently. In March, Woller and fellow trustee Harriet Grossman withstood a write-in challenge from local businessman Martin Morales and planning board chair Larry Reilly that was close enough to require a recount.
In March of 2011, Woller ran for mayor against Dave Morell, who won by just two votes. Last February, Morell resigned, and the village went mayor-less for several months while the board argued over appointing a successor. In April, the four-member board agreed to appoint Pascarella.
Below: Pascarella's November newsletter.