Above: It's hot; take a nap. Photo by Flickr user annroberti in the Watershed Post Flickr pool. We're in the waning weeks of summer -- back to school shopping! County fairs! Ever more unpredictable weather! So get out there and enjoy one of the final weekends of Summer 2012, but check out what's happening on these great blogs first:
- Need to relax? Take a deep, healing breath, and observe the Denning Denizen's Monarch Butterfly.
- Adventures in Real Estate covers the joys of cliff jumping in the Catskills.
- WGXC goes in-depth with the artists behind Catwalk.
- Paddleboarding is becoming huge in the region; a new shop has opened in Athens to outfit the diehards.
- Hunter's gets OK on back-up water supply plan -- drink up!
- The New Paltz Times enters the Way-Back Machine.
- Golf tournament announced in aid of Soap Box Derby... you read that correctly.
- Upstater covers the Yogurt Summit; readers report spike in hunger.
Have a great weekend!