Ever heard scores of people bellowing their deepest-held complaints out in harmony? Ever wonder what grudges and dislikes lurk in the subconsciouses of your neighbors? All will be revealed this Saturday in Delhi, when the Complaints Choir of the Art & Soul of the Catskills Festival belts local resentments out in song at 3:30pm in Courthouse Square. Here's how the festival's website explains the Complaints Choir:
The first-ever Delaware County Complaints Choir (a.k.a The Balk Chorale) will share a newborn song of gripes, lyrics contributed by residents of our region, the music written by Michael Suchorsky, sung by a 15-member community choir of complainers, accompanied by Where Da Moo? Band, and conducted by Andes, NY Renaissance woman Leigh Melander. The idea was initiated by Art + Soul Festival coordinator Rachel Polens.
Complaint choirs are a worldwide phenomenon, as you can see from the trailer for an entire movie about them that we've posted above. The Delhi choir is accepting complaints all this week -- you can even submit a complaint for the choir to deliver in song online.
The complaint choir is just one of the attractions of the Art & Soul Festival, which is bringing music, crafts, food and dance to Delhi all day on Saturday. Other highlights of the festival include kid-rocker Uncle Rock, a "dansical" by Cardio Club owner (and last week's Delhi flash mob organizer) Raegan Reed, and an appearance by true-crime writer (and Blues Maneuver frontman) David Krajicek, who has a new book, Death by Rock 'n' Roll, out this month.