The village of Deposit in 1887. Photo by snapshotsofthepast.com, via Flickr.
Two Delaware County towns are throwing big bashes this weekend celebrating, well, themselves.
The town of Deposit will be celebrating its 200th birthday on Saturday. Deposit was founded in 1811, when it only 12 dwellings strong, so birthday activities hearken back to the 19th century. There will be an "1811 dinner," a "Victorian fashion show," hay rides, good-natured attempts to lock people into a stockade, square dancing, a community picnic, and, awesomely, fireworks. Antique cars and lots of crafts will also be in evidence.
Meanwhile, over in the town of Andes, similar community-minded carousing will be taking place during the annual Andes Community Day. The town's normally quiet Main Street will be jam-packed with parade-viewers, watermelon-eating contest participants, lots of food stands, and general merriment. We hear that a hitherto-unkown band, known only as "The Andes Gang," will be playing from a hay wagon they've somehow shanghaied. Their lead singer is a personage called "Mad Mountain Billy," pictured, slightly outrageously, below. (Be warned: Billy's hit song is titled "I Am A Man Of Constipation."
Deposit 200th Birthday Celebration. All day Saturday, August 13. Deposit, NY. Birthday hat celebration 1pm, parade at 6pm, fireworks at 9pm. www.depositchamber.com.
Andes Community Day. All day Saturday, August 13. Andes, NY. Pancake breakfast at Andes Fire Hall 7am to 9am. Parade around 10:45am (after the Trailways bus arrives). www.andesny.org. (Andes Main Street is a Watershed Post advertiser. Check out their recent "News From Local Businesses" post.)