Upstate Oddities, a blog dedicated to photos of the weird and wonderful things its author stumbles across in her forays around the Catskills, has a post this week dedicated to the Shandaken Theatrical Society, housed in the old Shandaken Oddfellows Hall.
Choose one:
1. International Office of Old Fishermen
2. Incorporated Orchestra of Oak Fiddles
3. Independent Order of Odd Fellows
4. Inspirational Organization of Organic FarmersIf you picked number 3 *dingdingding* you are correct! The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is an altruistic fraternal organization that has been in existence since the 1700s. By 1896 it was the largest among all fraternal organizations (take that, Masons!) The I.O.O.F's mission is "to improve and elevate the character of mankind by imparting the principles of friendship, love and truth (as represented by the three links) and making the world a better place to live by aiding the community at large in every way possible." What better place for this wonderful theater to make its permanent home!
Shandaken's theater is home to a lively and dedicated crew of volunteers, who put on everything from satire to musicals with a level of verve and professionalism surprising in a community theater. (I confess I'm biased on this point, having been part of the cast of Little Murders at STS in the fall.)
Next up at STS, opening on March 4 and running for three weekends, is a production of Larry Shue's "The Foreigner" -- directed by Phoenicia's own Michael Koegel, who runs the Mama's Boy coffee shop across the street from the theater.
Photo by Beth of Upstate Oddities.