Congressman Maurice Hinchey put out a press release today announcing that he's being treated for a curable form of colon cancer. From Hinchey's website:
Congressman Maurice D. Hinchey (D-NY) today announced that he is being treated for a curable form of colon cancer and has begun receiving a course of treatment that doctors expect to result in a full recovery. Hinchey will maintain a regular work schedule while he undergoes care.
The congressman is receiving radiation treatment at Ulster Radiation Oncology Center in Kingston, New York. He will subsequently have surgery at Albany Medical Center during the congressional recess period in June followed by a brief course of chemotherapy. Hinchey will work and travel to Washington, DC for votes throughout the entire course of treatment.
The following is a statement from Dr. Randall Rissman of Woodstock, New York who is overseeing the congressman's entire course of treatment:
"This is a curable form of colon cancer. I expect Mr. Hinchey to respond extremely well to the course of treatment we've developed for him and that he'll make a full recovery. He is very fortunate that this was diagnosed early and that it did not spread beyond the colon. Mr. Hinchey is otherwise in excellent physical condition, which will greatly aid his recovery.
"Mr. Hinchey will be able to maintain a full congressional schedule while he undergoes treatment. I also fully expect his surgery to be straightforward and have complete confidence that Mr. Hinchey will make a full recovery and be cancer-free."