According to an article in the Patriot News last Thursday, the creekfront property that belongs to the family of anti-fracking crusader and filmmaker Josh Fox has been cited by Pennsylvania regulators for environmental violations. Fox is the director of Gasland, which was nominated for best documentary in this year's Oscar race.
The newspaper reports that Fox's father allegedly burned a trailer on the property near a tributary of the Delaware River:
Fox, whose film “Gasland” suggests the natural gas drilling industry is a major threat to the environment, used the property in rural Damascus Township as a touchstone of unsullied natural beauty in his movie.
Citations from local and state officials suggest something a bit different.
After the township filed a complaint against property owner Michael Fox, DEP’s Northeast Regional Waste Management Program issued a notice of violation for the burning of a house trailer on the property. According to the local zoning officer, the burning took place close to Calkins Creek, which flows into the Delaware River.